Technical Deep Dive: Building a Modern PDF Data Extraction Application

In this comprehensive technical guide, we'll explore the architecture and implementation details of a modern PDF data extraction application built with Next.js 14, focusing on scalability, performance, and user experience.


Building a reliable PDF data extraction system presents unique challenges, from handling various PDF formats to ensuring accurate data extraction at scale. Our application addresses these challenges using a modern tech stack:

  • Next.js 14 for the frontend and API routes

  • LlamaParser for robust PDF text extraction

  • OpenAI for intelligent data structuring

  • Clerk v6 for authentication

  • Supabase for data persistence

  • Tailwind CSS and Shadcn for the UI

The application serves businesses needing to extract structured data from PDFs, such as invoices, receipts, and forms, converting them into usable formats like Excel spreadsheets.

Architecture Overview

Frontend Architecture

The frontend is built using Next.js 14's App Router, employing a hybrid approach of server and client components for optimal performance. Here's our component organization:

  ├── (auth)/
  │   ├── sign-in/
  │   └── sign-up/
  ├── dashboard/
  │   ├── page.tsx
  │   ├── loading.tsx
  │   └── error.tsx
  ├── processing/
  │   └── [...steps]/
  └── schemas/
      └── [id]/

We use React Server Components (RSC) for data-heavy components and Client Components for interactive elements. This separation provides several benefits:

  • Reduced JavaScript bundle size

  • Improved initial page load

  • Better SEO through server-side rendering

  • Maintained interactive features where needed

Backend Architecture

The backend leverages Next.js API routes organized into a clear hierarchy:

  ├── uploads/
  │   └── route.ts
  ├── processing/
  │   └── route.ts
  ├── schemas/
  │   └── route.ts
  └── exports/
      └── route.ts

Each route is protected using Clerk middleware:

import { authMiddleware } from '@clerk/nextjs';

export default authMiddleware({
  publicRoutes: ['/api/health'],
  ignoredRoutes: ['/api/webhooks/clerk']

Core Features Deep Dive

1. PDF Upload and Processing

The upload system uses the @uploadthing/react library with custom configuration for PDF handling:

export const ourFileRouter = {
  pdfUploader: f({ pdf: { maxFileSize: '32MB' } })
    .middleware(async ({ req }) => {
      const user = await currentUser();
      return { userId: };
    .onUploadComplete(async ({ metadata, file }) => {
      await db.uploads.create({
        data: {
          userId: metadata.userId,
          fileUrl: file.url,
          status: 'pending'

The processing pipeline follows these steps:

  1. File upload and validation

  2. Text extraction using LlamaParser

  3. Structure identification

  4. Data extraction with OpenAI

  5. Results validation

2. Schema Definition System

The schema builder interface allows users to define custom data structures:

interface SchemaField {
  name: string;
  type: 'string' | 'number' | 'date' | 'nested';
  required: boolean;
  validation?: {
    pattern?: string;
    min?: number;
    max?: number;
  children?: SchemaField[]; // For nested structures

We provide default templates for common documents:

  • Invoices

  • Receipts

  • Purchase Orders

  • Shipping Documents

3. Data Extraction Pipeline

The extraction process uses OpenAI's GPT-4 with custom prompting:

const extractData = async (text: string, schema: Schema) => {
  const completion = await{
    model: 'gpt-4-turbo-preview',
    messages: [
        role: 'system',
        content: 'Extract structured data according to the provided schema.'
        role: 'user',
        content: `
          Schema: ${JSON.stringify(schema)}
          Text: ${text}
    temperature: 0.1,
    max_tokens: 2000

  return JSON.parse(completion.choices[0].message.content);

4. Credit Management System

Credits are tracked using a real-time system:

interface CreditTransaction {
  userId: string;
  amount: number;
  type: 'deduction' | 'addition';
  reason: 'processing' | 'refund' | 'purchase';
  metadata: {
    pageCount?: number;
    fileId?: string;

Credit deduction follows these rules:

  • 1 credit per page processed

  • Minimum 1 credit per file

  • Bulk processing discounts

  • Refunds for failed processing

5. Export Functionality

The export system handles nested data structures:

interface ExportOptions {
  format: 'xlsx' | 'csv' | 'json';
  flatten: boolean;
  includeMetadata: boolean;

const generateExport = async (data: ExtractedData[], options: ExportOptions) => {
  if (options.flatten) {
    return flattenNestedStructure(data);

  const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
  const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
  XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, 'Extracted Data');

  return XLSX.write(workbook, { type: 'buffer', bookType: 'xlsx' });

Security and Performance

Security Measures

We implement multiple security layers:

  1. Authentication using Clerk

  2. File validation and sanitization

  3. Rate limiting on API routes

  4. Secure file storage with signed URLs

  5. Data encryption at rest

Performance Optimizations

Key optimizations include:

  1. Streaming uploads for large files

  2. Parallel processing where possible

  3. Caching of extraction results

  4. Lazy loading of heavy components

  5. Background job processing for long-running tasks

User Experience Considerations

The UI is built with Tailwind CSS and Shadcn components for a modern look:

interface ProgressIndicator {
  current: number;
  total: number;
  status: 'uploading' | 'processing' | 'extracting' | 'complete';

const ProcessingStatus: React.FC<ProgressIndicator> = ({ current, total, status }) => {
  return (
    <div className="w-full max-w-md mx-auto">
      <Progress value={(current / total) * 100} />
      <p className="text-sm text-gray-500 mt-2">
        {status === 'uploading' ? 'Uploading files...' :
         status === 'processing' ? 'Processing PDFs...' :
         status === 'extracting' ? 'Extracting data...' :

Challenges and Solutions

Large File Handling

For large PDFs, we implemented:

  • Chunked uploads

  • Progressive processing

  • Background workers

  • Status webhooks

Concurrent Processing

To handle multiple simultaneous uploads:

  • Queue system with Redis

  • Worker pools

  • Progress tracking per file

  • Automatic retries

Future Improvements

Planned enhancements include:

  • AI-powered schema suggestions

  • Improved accuracy through feedback loops

  • Additional export formats

  • Batch processing optimizations


Building a robust PDF data extraction system requires careful consideration of various technical aspects, from file handling to user experience. This implementation provides a scalable foundation that can be extended based on specific needs.
